Winter Steelhead fly fishing
Lazy fishing guide syndrome (LFGS) has struck and Lauren and I snuck off to San Fransisco to visit some family for a few days and it looks like I missed a couple of fishable days, my bad.
From the graph it looks like the Bogachiel is in good shape, along with the Calawah and the Sol Duc, the Hoh is out but not too too far.
Before it went out the number of hatchery steelhead in the river was staggering and we were finding a couple of natives a day mixed into the bunch.
Where did it go? Moments before there was a beautiful chrome native steelhead here
This is a good time of year for a real broad mix of large and small native and hatchery fish to all be in the river at once.
Yarn eater gets scooped
Jim Kerr
Raincoast guides
Raincoast guides