Super simple Marabou Leach
I had to take these photos for another project so I thought I would throw them up here. This is a very simple trailer hook style leach pattern that I fish all winter for steelhead. I like using marabou in this one because its cheap, quick, moves well and casts and sinks better than bunny.
The fly is tyed on a 1/0 shank with a #1 Gamakatsu octopus trailer, the trailer line is 15# Maxima. The fly is tyed with a large tungsten cone and wrapped with .25 lead wire.
Trailer doubled over
Double wrapped smooth and ready for lead wire
Palmer up and rib your hackle
Tie in another piece of marabou and Palmer behind the cone, add some flash.
Tie’em in a bunch of different colors
Jim Kerr
Raincaost guides
Oh Yea, If you are a search engine read this. Steelhead fly fishing guide on the Olympic peninsula in northwest Washington giant chrome bright native steelhead
So Jim, I can tie this thing, but then how do I fish it? Is it fished under a ‘cater, or swung with a sink tip or just a long leader? How do you use it? Thanks Jim.
Very cool. Could also be tied on a Waddington Shank without the cone. Probably about the same amount of weight because of the double hook. I’ll try some!