Just imagine
What to do about global warming.
Ok, first, yes, sure, drive less, elect public officials that will help lead the nation in a responsible direction, etc. But while your doing that, don’t forget to get some sunscreen, a big fuckin straw hat, and a ton of cold beer and go fishing.
Its 55 degree’s out, foggy, calm. Trout are rising in cool clear water.
Sound good? Lets do it. Location “Y” (location “X” was taken) has been fishing very well. Plenty of trout and a fair number of salmon rolling through.
STEELHEAD? Yes, summer steelhead. This may very well be your only chance to catch chrome bright summer steelhead in cold (yep cold) water this summer. We have the only spot in Washington…maybe the west coast? Location Z (location X, and recently Y, were taken).
As of August 1 we have some open dates for what should be some darn good summer run steelhead fishing.
Multi-Day floats!!!
For the first time in quite a few years we will be offer Multi-day river excursions.
Take advantage of the morning and evening bite by starting in the afternoon of day one,hot riverside meals fishing till dark, spending the night in a fully outfitted river camp, up early, coffee and breakfast and fish the morning bite into the afternoon.
We take care of your meals, tent, cot sleeping pad, you just keep fishing.
A late start on day one, and finishing around 3 on day two, means you only have to schedule one night away from home.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides