Government shuts down the Queets
Scum bags.
On a brighter note, the high water is leaving the the road wide open for a bunch of fall salmon to get up. Its the first time in a long while we have had this much water this early, I have no idea how this will turn out.

Jonathan and Gene came out on the leading edge on the storm, and threw some spinners at my suggestion
I spent the better part of the last too weeks tying to make it stay steelhead season. That was an error. When we fished for steelhead it was pretty slow, when we fished for salmon it was pretty good, when we fished for trout it was freakin wonderful.
We had a few salmon days where we floated by pods of rising cutts in the 18 inch class. Keep that in mind next September.
Now its time to tie a bunch of flashy heavy things, lash on some sink tips and go look for rolling coho. We caught them pretty well before this last monsoon, we will see what tomorrow brings.
Jim Kerr
Did you say the Queets is closed? The lower road to Hartzels?