
You ever look around the internet?  I mean other than this site?  There is some crazy shit out there.  I’m done with that.

Its been a while since we had a real Septober*.

Septober, the last 2 weeks of September, first two weeks of October, is the time of year when fly fishers get to experience the really very best of the Olympic Peninsula.

Dry fly summer run

You could have a bucolic afternoon afternoon watching cutthroat “the color of toasted butter”* gulp an animated caddis dry.

A steelhead coming up and going all medieval** on a skated dry.  A rolling milling lower river coho gulp a wog and pull all the string off your reel.

A big chrome king swim lazily up and inhale a leach feet from the side of the boat.

And another

Listen, this stuff doesn’t all happen in one day, at least not often, but it all happens every week.  And its beyond magical.  Its the culmination of almost everything that fly fishers dream of all piled into a giant green dripping rainforest, more or less devoid of other angers.

And some salmon

Its hard.  Difficult casting, hiking, rowing and  dragging a boat for miles. Its complex, weird flies, lines, watching tides and water levels and, I don’t know, the signs you read from the entrails of unfortunate live stock.

The last couple of seasons dry weather and bizarre salmon management policies have lead to shitty Septobers, well ok, not shitty, but not all they could be.

This year we had perfect weather, and amazing opportunities.  I’m looking forward to a strong fall.

We still have an open boat on October 17th and 30th, plus a single seat on October 13 and 14.

Jim Kerr

Rain Coast Guides

Forks Wa


*obviously borrowing heavily from Doug Rose here

**obviously borrowing from Quentin Tarantino here

Posted in Salmon Fishing, Searun Cutthroat Trout Fly Fishing Report, Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Report | Tagged , | Leave a comment

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