Workshop :Trout Spey Plus.
There are times of the year when spey fishing for salmon and steelhead is ultra productive and super engaging, then there are other times when it’s spey casting, with the hope of being interrupted by a fish.
In the summer and early fall here on the OP applying ultralight spey rods and tight line tactics to mixed bag, salmon/trout/steelhead fishing opens up lots of possibilities.
On Saturday, August 31st I will be hosting a workshop for Bill Drewery of Peninsula Outfitters.
Email here for sign up info [email protected]
The goal will be to get trout spey rods, and a variety lines and leaders into your hands, and give you a better grip on how to use them to stretch out your two handed season.
We will meet in Forks around 7am and spend the day on the river. I will bring lunch and finish up around 3:30 in the afternoon.
During they day we will talk about great local spots, run timing, fly selection, casting, lines, leaders, and a whole lot of other stuff.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks, WA