Its fall. Open dates
This is it.
The next 8 weeks are what you have been waiting for all year.
Unless your not into fishing.

This week we caught some summer steelhead, some nice trout, some nice coho, and some cool jacks. Bumping around with a dry fly 4 weight and a one hand six weight could run you into just about anything.
My last few trips have taken a some work to get the bite going. But after a bit we had chunky cutthroat doing back flips for dry flys pretty regularly.
Add in the occasional coho or summer steelhead, and zero other anglers around, and it made for pretty good days.

We have fall dates open right now, come on out and try out some great fall fishing, cause you know. Pretty soon, its winter.
email [email protected] for Fall daates
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks wa