What we do when your not around. Come fishing Tuesday.
If you can get out Tuesday get in touch!
The rivers weren’t all the way closed, and although they were very high, they haven’t been all the way totally blown out.
Its the kind of deal where the conditions are so marginal that you would feel a little bad charging some one for the fishing, but, there is always a chance, so after some chores, if there is still some daylight, you might as well spend a little time on the river.
Please forgive the “dead fish on the bank” photo’s.
These are shots of hatchery fish we harvested in our down time, some of them very spur of the moment.
It points to the fact that there are almost always some opportunities to catch cool fish.
Tuesday is open. I and would like to go fishing. I am not exactly sure what will happen, but I have a hunch it will be worth your trip.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks Wa
Hi Jim,
Just curious if you have heard any news on the Sol Duc reopening any time soon? I’ve been checking wdfw emergency rules regularly with fingers crossed. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks ~Joel
The 4th of November, or maybe the 6th