This is a really big deal, you can help!
This will save more fish and wildlife than any other rule change in the last 10 years.
Do this,
Contact your local state representative and tell them to support the budget proviso forincreased WDFW enforcement.
find your rep here:
Cut and paste and email.
“I support WDFW enforcement budget proviso. I need you to support it too. Our animals and fish are far too valuable to be wasted on poachers. Our woods and wild places need to be safer. “
This is why;
Every week I see evidence of major and even commercial scale poaching on our local rivers. Our nearest enforcement is often 60 miles away, with 10 calls before they can get to us.
Poachers understand that they will not face prosecution for killing wildlife , because there is no one to bust them, and that they can make a lot of money doing it.
I would say, based on the evidence I see on the river, that 2 full time WDFW enforcement officers here in Forks would prevent the poaching of at least 1000 native steelhead a year and 3000 salmon. No joke. Just like that, 4000 more Nates on the redds.
Saving all these fish would be awesome, so would protecting deer and elk, and bears, and freakin chipmunks.
But it will also let poachers know that the days of setting up camps, trading fish for crystal meth, trashing the woods, teaching their kids to poach, are over.
find your rep here:
STOP! STOP, reading and act, cut paste and tell your rep this, then you can read the rest.
“You must support the budget proviso for increased WDFW enforcment . I value Washington’s outdoor resources, and I am tired of watching them be abused. Time is up, we need enforcement in our woods and on our water. I vote with wildlife. Do you?”
(Thanks, you should feel better now, continue reading)
It would make people who don’t want to deal with lawlessness feel safe to use Washington’s woods and wild places again.
Its also what we SHOULD DO! We should make Washington a model for great wildlife management.
You can make all the rule changes you want, but when everyone knows that there is no one to enforce the law, it quickly becomes a dark joke.
I can not tell you how many hours I have spent in meetings with folks from great non profits who want to help save native steelhead , they spend tens of thousands of dollars to create new regulations or enhance habitat. And I watch as the new regulations are ignored, and new habitat is unused because of rampant poaching.
Lets just turn it back in the right direction. Lets get some well meaning, hard working, well trained WDFW enforcement officers out here protecting the resource that YOU OWN!
They are your fish, and your woods and rivers and people are abusing them everyday for profit.
Find your rep here:
Don’t eat dinner till you have done it.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks wa
Howdy Jim, I will get a letter out representing our club and will urge members to also write individual letters. I will also make the Tacoma club aware and will try to enlist Greg Hw, frank Haw’s son who just retired from DFW enforcement.
I will write a letter they can cut and paste to their reps to help the lazy participate.
We’ll make some good trouble.
Done deal Mr Kerr