Summer fish
Summer not.
That’s kind of a pun, think about it.
The pun is the highest form of humor, second maybe only to sarcasm.
Think about that too.
Anyway, its been a great few weeks of fishing. YES Steve and Tucker, we did have a tough day of Coho fishing, but otherwise…..very good.
Strong days on Coho and summer steelhead with a few kings mixed in, there are some summer and a few bright fall?, kings to be had also. Great weather, good fish, lots of fun.
I have August 16,17,22,23,24 open right now, I would love to get them booked.
And, at last, an opportunity of a life time! We are selling our house in town, and you can own it! Check it out at
Its an 1800 square ft manufactured, plenty of storage, private back yard with great views, 2 bay carport, wood stove, new appliances for $86500
Jim Kerr
Rain coast guides
68,500 now, price dropped already 😉
New house or moving on? Seems a logical question.
Yes it is, we bought a new place outside of town about two years ago and have been renting this out for $650
We might be interested! Waiting to hear back from some interviews. Could be heading back to the outer coast in a few month or two.