Spey Fishing Workshops
These workshops cover a pretty fair amount of ground.
They are on the water workshops typically limited to three guests so that we can float and fish a variety of water.
This workshop will focus on helping you understand how to pick productive spey water, and how to fish it effectivly.
If you enjoy spey fishing for salmon, steelhead or trout, but would like to catch more, I am very confident that I can help you.
We will meet early and get on the river on a nice piece of spey water. We will discuss and demonstrate gear and tactics, flies, tips, presentation, casting, hooking and fighting fish.
I will bring selection of rods and lines to try.
I will also have a list of cool spots for you to spend your winter spey days fishing on your own. And advice on how to locate productive water on your own.
New spey anglers are welcome, but the focus will be on spey fishing, not spey casting. There will be plenty of casting tips and trouble shooting advice, but if you are a brand new spey caster we should get you started with a separate spey casting lesson
Yep, Ill bring lunch and snacks
Do you have any openings they next couple weeks?