single hand spey class almost ends in tragedy.
For a big spring chinook. The fish came to the net a couple times before coming off. Otherwise we had a nice day on the river, learned a lot about casting single hand spey, and caught a few trout.
Email if you are interested in booking a workshop day.
There is no question that spring chinook on the fly is the most challenging, and the most rewarding gamefish in the northwest. Of all the fish I have ever fished for only permit rival fresh springers for their unpredictability when it comes to taking a fly. Great weather, and fascinating fishing make for some very fun days.
Meanwhile, Ryan Bullock has been, well, knocking the crap out of them gear fishing.
Megan with a great spring chinook.

Spring chinook, are the most challenging, and rewarding of all pacific NW fish to hook and land on a fly. We are hooking springers on most of our fly trips……landing them? Well thats another story. Come try it. Its not what you think.
We still have openings in May, and the first week of June, these are dates you don’t want to miss.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks Washington