Never fail springer fly

Any body got one?

Sure would come in handy.

We are catching springers now,

and yes, the jumpy thing below is a summer steelhead, and you REALLY want to be looking at dates the first week of June.

Also, Do you spey fish?  Do you like to catch fish while your spey fishing?  Then it looks like WDFW has arranged a very special treat for you.  Come see us between May 16th and June 11th.

Summer steelhead jumping around like crazy, like they do.

Summer steelhead jumping around like crazy, like they do.


Nate fished with Ryan and git this wild spring chinook

Nate fished with Ryan and got this wild spring chinook

Friday Saturday and Sunday are “no net days” and really offer some very special opportunities to those who want to catch chinook in some really neat ways.  Coma and see us.

A pair of hatchery spring chinook headed for the grill

A pair of hatchery spring chinook headed for the grill

Jim Kerr

Rain Coast Guides

Forks Washington

Catching jillions of salmon trout and steelhead on flies all year

Posted in Salmon Fishing, Searun Cutthroat Trout Fly Fishing Report, Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Report, Winter Steelhead Fly Fishing Report | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

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