Really good summer steelhead fishing
Hey, you know when you told me to call when the fishing was really really good. Consider this your phone call. No B.S. Its F’in ON!
Suprise! Not a steelhead
Small hatchery summer steelhead, getting in the boat
I have August 21, and the 24th through the 28th open. I can’t promise things will hold up, but they should actually get better, which is a little hard to believe.
We are catching fish in the Sol Duc, the Hoh, the Bogachiel, the Queets, you name it.
We are catching fish in the Sol Duc, the Hoh, the Bogachiel, the Queets, you name it.
Don, watching Larry get ready to lose one on the spey rod
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Rain Coast Guides