Hoh’s over!
That’s a pun! Gotta love a good pun on a Monday, or punday! Yep, that’s the price you have to pay to see good fish pictures, bad puns.
The Hoh is closed until May 16th when it re-opens to spring Chinook, nope, sorry, I am not open on the 16th but I am on the 17th.
Also, for those interested in a fish a long check your calendar for the 5th, 7th,12th,14th, 21st, and the 26th. The deal here is I knock $100.00 bucks off the usual price, and I fish with you, we is a swing all day (with maybe a guide nap in the afternoon)
We will target the whole mess, spring salmon, late winter steelhead, early summer steelhead and maybe sockeye.
Yes, there are springers, and yes we have been catching some early summer steelhead. I have dates open for that stuff too.
Here is a pic of John, the evening that the Hoh river closed, releasing a fish at the take out, and yes there were enough fish to plan this picture.
John, with a bigger fish
May 21 please.