High water means days off

I have been being a bit lame this last month about supplying interesting and
informative reports about peninsula fishing. I have been fishing every single
day for more than a month and frankly have not made the time to keep you, the
Internet surfing public, informed.

So, to get you up to speed, for the
last month the water was super low, which means the salmon came in and stayed
low in the system, ganged up in huge schools in the lower rivers, and after a
couple of weeks decided the really didn’t want to bite a lot. This makes for
comfortable (warm and dry) fishing and good, if not great days, depending on the
mood of the fish.

Now we have had a ton of rain and if the river drops
this week we will see some more salmon, if not its steelhead time. There are
already some hatchery fish in the rivers and I am hoping for lots of fun days
this month and next to go chase them…

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