Fly fishing for winter steelhead
Is supposed to be hard.
And this winter has lived up to that ideal more than any in recent years.
Are than less fish than usual? I think so, and high flows have made them harder to reach than usual.
The bright spot is really the swinging. Yes, I ended up blanked a couple days swinging this year, but all and all, for consistent chances at hooking steelhead on the swing, this has been a spey fishers winter.
Not big numbers, but having the fish well spread through the system, and enough water to fish from the headwaters to the mouth, has created steady one and two hook up days for most of the winter.
We have had a few super good nymph days, but mostly a handful of hook ups a day. Still very worth doing.

Lee said he wanted a big one, and didn’t care if it was dark. He hooked this fish 6 seconds later, and came pretty close to losing his fly line.
We have one spot left in each of the following workshops.
Spring summer workshop schedule 2016.
Our workshops are designed to accommodate three guests per day.
If you bring two buddies you have it locked up, other wise we will put the group together.
Cost is $145.00 per guest, lunch and tons of gear provided.
We usually work in a float, but sometimes walk and wade.
One handed spey casting for trout and steelhead.
May 7th.
I wonder how many folks will be interested in this? This has always been a fascination of mine and I am looking forward to spending some full days on the topic.
Want to cast better? Much better? The most useful casts I know are one handed spey and roll casts. Every trout fishermen will benefit from these casts, and they are a lot easier to learn than you might think.
These casts will start off feeling like weird tricks to get your way out of casting from tight spots or weird angles. But as you begin to be more comfortable with them you find they will replace much of your overhead casting.
If you feel like your one handed over head casting is pretty much under control, and want to move your casting skills a long way down the line, this might be for you.
Spey Catching.
June 4th
I have clients that commonly hook multiple steelhead a day with the spey rod. A lot of what they are doing different is spending tons of time on the water. But equally important is a deep understanding of multiple types of presentations.
This workshop will focus on making your spey fishing time more productive. And help you understand why steelhead and salmon take a swung fly.
We will do a float and fish several different pieces of water with different lines and tips, and maybe some dry flies.
I will bring a ton of rods and lines and we might even screw up and catch a steelhead.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks Wa
Is that Keanu Reeves? Nope, just super awesome J., Kerr