Fall fishing for real
So I am up river with Ron here working over summer coho steelhead and fat cuthroat. Some other clients of mine are down south putting the hurtin’ on a bucket load of trout on dries, and Mikey is down river slayin trout Coho and Chinook jacks up to two pounds on 5 weights.
Ron with a summer steel head
This colored up summer coho was one of four we watched run down and repeatedly attack Ron’s fly
There were a handful of trout like this in every hole, for the most part we didn’t even cast at them, just kept looking for summer salmon and steelhead.
Then it turns out that there are about 5,000 fall coho in the way lower
right now waitin on the rain we are supossed to get tonight.
Oh wait, did I mention that between the three of us we only saw one other boat?
Its not insano fast fishing, its just great mixed bag fishing with dries and bug patterns for who knows what. One of the northwests best dry line fisheries.
Pretty much looks like a grand slam right there.
Looks and sounds like it’s about to get even better!!