Everything its cracked up to be.
Springer season?
Steelhead still coming?
Trout fishing fun?
Summer runs showing up?
Guide super stoked on fishing? very much.
Gear trips for springers are going as well as you could hope.
Fly trips for springers are going pretty much as usual, if we fish hard, we hook one, and if we get lucky maybe two. Steelhead are still filling in the gaps a bit. I have had some good afternoon trips for sea run cutthroat, mostly smaller fish as the larger trout are feeding selectively on large par, very early in the morning. Getting up early to cast big flies at trout seems a little silly when, if you want to get up early, and cast big flies, you might as well fish for springers.
The Hoh will open June one for the first time in a long time. It will open only below Oxbow for selective gear.
It is a hatchery spring chinook opening designed to target dip in fish from other systems.
Its been closed in recent season to protect native summer kings. The summer king numbers have slowly climbed to a point where it is legal to conduct a fishery.
Its my hope that the state and co managers watch this very closely. It seems to me to be a bit risky based on how low the summer king numbers remain, and the fact that WDFW still is unable to field an adequate number of enforcement officers.
The Hoh tribe has good enforcement, and seems intent on monitoring their own fishery.
All that said, I am looking forward to swinging a few days down there.
Anyone interested in a spey fishing for fall coho workshop? Thinking of doing a few days in October.
Its definitely a great opportunity for spey casters to get into quality fish.
Jim Kerr
RainCoast Guides
Forks wa
I would be down for a October Coho trip with Spey. Let me know what dates you had in mind.
the fall coho class sounds fun. When and how much?
Great, I wildest some details in a week or so!