Don’t give up on the Hoh
These guy’s would love to hear from you.
What happens when The Hoh Tribe, The Olympic National Park and The Olympic Peninsula Guides Association all agree on a fisheries issue? Nothing.
Because WDFW thinks that despite the lower Hoh being home to an under-escaped run of Summer Kings, Bull Trout, and a maybe still viable run of wild summer steelhead WDFW insists on leaving the river open to bait in the summer.
The river is being left open to bait because some hatchery steelhead stray in, and the state maintains that we need bait to harvest them. However, a bunch of hatchery spring kings also run up the Hoh, and the State has determined that we now have to RELEASE hatchery kings.
That’s right, we have to have bait to harvest hatchery steelhead, but have to release hatchery kings.
I am asking a few folks to email the director (address at the top of the page) and just say that it is time for a selective fishery (no bait, no barbs, no trebles) in the lower Hoh for summer.
I am not asking for people to weigh in on who can keep what and when (feel free to of course) I am just saying that its time we took one tiny step toward protecting some of the rivers on the OP. Lower Hoh, selective gear for the summer. That’s it.
Sooo, say that these guys got 50 emails, (sent to the commission, cc’ed to the Director.) I would donate a spey rod to (o.k. and a reel running line and backing) to the wounded warrior project. Send the email and then comment on the blog or FB page that you sent it. When we hit 50 I will send the outfit to Jerry D on the WFF board.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Done and done Jah. Thanks
you got it Jim!!!!
Sent e-mail. thanks for spreading the word!
Done. Also to the Governor. What the heck.
Done deal Jim. Emails sent to both. See you next month.
Just emailed Mr. Anderson.
Did we reach 50 emails to DFW?
I am betting we have reached 50, I will send the gear off to Jerry!
We have also got a pretty positive response from WDFW. But I think we will have to carry the pressure hard through the 2015 rule change cycle.
Sent email on the hoh. Thanks again Jim for helping us all to focus!
I’ve also sent an email. I hope they read it and get our message loud and clear. Thanks for sharing, Jim.