Catching lots o summer fish
Pretty darn good.
Most days we are hooking between 3 and 6 steelhead, all still
chromers, some days we hit the super hot vintage, others they are already slowed
down for summer. If we hook the
former, we mostly get our Asses kicked.
If it’s the latter we land them.
Yesterday we hooked summer steelhead swinging, stripping and
nymphing. We had fish eat
stoneflies, little teeny may flies and beads, most of the fish were between 6
and 9 pounds. These are great fish
however I would love to get back into the big boys.
Psycho hen steelhead hooked on a bead
Ocean reports for Coho are very good, it seems like there
are nice numbers of Kings in the straights and sound.
The Olympic Peninsula rivers are getting extra low,
hopefully we will get some early fall rain to help move fish. As for the fishing now you can either
walk in up river or fish down low, and I mean real low on the tides or early
and late in the day.
I have plenty of week days open right now, give me a call if you would like to set up some fishing.
Dude, I wish I was there with you catching steelhead and not here catching giant brown trout. Oh Yea, your dog is smarter than mine.
I am not only brilliant, but devilishly handsome too!
~Sincerely Dr. Gustofer Columbus