Back again
Lauren and I had to run off to the east coast for a couple of weeks but we have returned. And I am very ready to go fishing. Reliable sources report some early coho, sockeye, fishable numbers of spring kings, a good numbers of summer steelhead in all the usual places, also, it is trout season here and good water flows make all the trout floats accessible.
Un reliable sources report millions upon millions of giant mutant steelhead eating everything in the river as they swarm upriver. I am going to go with that.
Yes, trout fishing. A guy with a 4 or 5 weight could have a lot of fun with a pocket full of dry flies, that could happen. You could even spend 1/2 the day fishing for steelhead, and the other 1/2 fishing for trout. You might call that a 1/2 and 1/2.
I have some days open that I would love to book. The 23rd, 26th 27th and 28th. As of now I will discount the 27th down to $299.50, call soon, lets book it.

Time for sneakin up on some summer steelhead
Rain Coast Guides