Awesome fishing, Communities, Conservation
National Geographic magazine had an interesting article on marine reserves a while back. Studying why some marine reserves succeeded, and others failed, they came to this conclusion:”The secret is in the community that lives there, you start creating pride and a commitment to recovery”
Around Forks, the community event that we are most proud of, is our annual scholarship auction. Everyone pitches in for a two day auction on everything from apple pies to cars and boats to make sure our kids in this community have a chance to continue their education beyond high school.
People here REALLY dig deep to support our kids.
The local guides association has started a parallel online auction, all proceeds of which will be donated to the scholarship fund. The goal is to reach beyond Forks to help kids here.
Do you think sport fishing dollars, fly fishing dollars, hunting or outdoor recreation dollars are a big benefit to rural communities?
Then demonstrate it here! Show the community of Forks how much the fishery means to you.
Show local and State decision makers how much small communities can benefit from heathy natural environments.
Winning any bid in this action helps a kid from a rural community realize a life dream.
Winning a bid in this auction gets you a super cool trip, or fly box, or……apple pie.
Maybe winning a bid in this auction makes you an agent of change in how we view natural resources.
Go to this link and bid (you will need to request to join the group)
If you are not on Facebook, and still want to donate, just get in touch and we will arrange it.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks WA
Requested to join the group. Looks awesome
I listened to the broadcast of the auction on Sunday it sounded like everyone was having fun. Do you know how much they raised?