The ends of the day
We are blessed this time of year with very long days. The problem is, when the weather is beautiful and the water is low, its hard to get winter steelhead to eat except for first light and evening light, and they are very far apart.
I am not the fishing guide to call if you want to fish from 6:00 am to 8:30 PM. I am kind of a home by 5 kinda guy. So we fish first light, and get lucky and catch a few in the afternoon.
As for the fishing, the perfect chrome spring two salters have shown up, and there are still some incredible 3+ salt steelhead showing up.
A guy has to be a bit sneaky, and very patient do do well on the weekends, but weekdays are fast thinning out with the anticipation of trout fishing and lawn mowing season.
Summer steelhead are here, and will be in good numbers by the middle of May, the season is changing, and I am excited for spring Chinook.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast guide
Ya can’t beat winter steelhead fishing in a t-shirt.