The Bright side
When I am not posting stuff on the blog it may be because I am busy, fishing too much, or having too much fun with my family.
Or, it may be because I am working on a little project I call THE MANIFESTO, (That is the writing I do about how I honestly feel about fish and wild life management here in Washington.)
I am confident you don’t want to read it, because I don’t want to read it, and I wrote it.
But it is all too easy to focus on the negative.
The things we love, fishing, hunting, gathering, and growing things, bring so much joy and value to life we shouldn’t forget to shine a light on the good things.
So here are some.
WDFW has announced our summer and fall fishing season, and its pretty much a free for all here on the OP.
They have given us a broad season with lots of options. The snow pack looks excellent, and Ocean conditions look good.
I had planned to spend the summer working on the camp outfitting and the berry farm, but but an opportunity to get back to the weird, far flung and diverse fishing opportunities of an Olympic Peninsula Summer are too intriguing.
So I am opening up a few of my summer days that I had previously set aside.
These are dates you can book to fish for kings, jacks, summer steelhead, trout, surf perch, white fish….whatever.
Do not expect any easy fishing, working hard for some opportunities at pretty amazing fish in unbelievable places is more what we are talking about.
July 21 and 22
July 28 and 29
August 11 and 12
August 18 and 19
August 25 and 26
If any or all of these date sound interesting, drop me a line.
If you have questions about what we might be able to do on any of these dates, ask them here on the blog in the comments, that way everyone can see the answers.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks wa