Summer steelhead invasion
Will hopefully begin on the opener, June 4th.
As of June 4th we will be back on the Bogachiel, Calawah, Queets and Quinault, as well as the Quilayute and the Sol Duc.
That means more access to more water+more fish=more fun days fishing. Thats math, which is like science, which makes it a fact.
The river has been very quiet, and I think when the other water opens up things will get even nicer.
Meanwhile we continue to catch spring chinook.
Kinda lots of them. In other news, Forks has shifted to its typical late spring jungle mode. It starts as green, then thicker greener green, then full blown top to bottom crazy overgrown 7 shades of green jungle.
I think of all the people who come fish here in the winter and never see this side of it.
(I don’t miss most of them)
You should try, in the next week or so, to book a day spring chinook fishing. Aim for a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks Wa
Any kings on the swing