Silvers…..and some summer steelhead…Springers, extended version.

Well, the scouts have rolled up the river.  The first summer coho of the year have poked up river.  This has become a mainstay of our summer season, and I am looking forward to some exciting and challenging sight casting at big chrome fish.  If you want a change of pace from northwest standards, come check this out.  Very different from what we get to do the rest of the year.  I believe if you hunt around on our Facebook page you will find some video.

Summer coho super cool, a little tricky, crazy strong

Summer steelhead?

Well, yea. So the summer steelhead fishing has be pretty….hmmm, whats the word I’m looking for…shitty, the last few seasons.  This year in a refreshing turn there seem to be decent numbers of fish around.  An angler who wants to spend a day hunting around trying to hook one, or possibly two, summer runs swinging a dry line would have a chance, and a lot of water to themselves.

Summer runs are popping up here and there


The best trout fishing is typically in the fall, but the couple of trout fishing days I have done recently have yielded good numbers of fine sized trout on dry’s.  And chances at salmon or steelhead every day.

“Look out for that eagle!” “Trout from heaven” OK, you pick the caption.


Springers still?

Hard to imagine a cooler fish

Yea, one of the guides at raincoast is still pretty much crushing hatchery springers, I won’t say which one but its not me and it is Ryan.  WDFW has given us an extra 15 days this year, so it wraps up July 15.

Jim Kerr

Rain Coast Guides

Forks Wa

Posted in Salmon Fishing, Searun Cutthroat Trout Fly Fishing Report, Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Report | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

3 Responses to Silvers…..and some summer steelhead…Springers, extended version.

  1. Lee Kayser says:

    Is it Lauren?

  2. Lee Kayser says:

    My first (and only?) steelhead on a dry. Somehow you knew there were some fish hanging out under a tree and you had me swing a big caddis over the top of them and eventually one snapped at it. You were like ok, we’ll change up the fly and swing it over them and then later when we put the original fly back on, they’ll eat it. So we did that, swung the new fly over, let it rest a bit and then put the first caddis back on and swung it over. Sure enough, crushed it.

    One of my fondest memories of many.

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