Salmon , steelhead,Trout, trout , trout.
We have been catching a lot of fat cutthroat on fry/smolt patterns, some damn nice ones too.
Otherwise its typical May spey fishing, great weather, no crowds, a fish a day or so, maybe a late winter steelhead, maybe an early summer, maybe a springer.
The springer fishing has been a little bit slow, but we have been managing a couple a day on hardware, and we are moving toward the peak of the season.
The big river openers start on June 1, and then again on June 6th.( And again August 1…just wait for my net post)
We still have some slots for the summer steelhead opener. This is a great time to get in on some early summer steelhead and some great dry fly trout action. This is a cool deal, don’t miss out.
June steelhead are the most aggressive we get all year, we can often do a lot of sight fishing and with the low water this season they should come in ready to eat dry flies.
Looks like we have another opening in the May 30th Spey workshop. Send me an email if you are interested.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Nice (very) early morning pic!
Love early morning steelhead fishing pictures. I prefer fishing for steelhead late October vs may. Thanks for the share!