Still have some prime salmon dates open, give us a call.
Just wait until December. Then you won’t have to catch as many fish, they won’t be as big, and you can wear a giant coat and boot foot waders instead of a t-shirt.
OK, don’t get me wrong, I love winter steel heading, but come on, big kings every day for a while now, plus silvers on drys, plus nice trout fishing, plus dry fly steelhead.
Its the real deal, old school.
A little patience goes a long way when it comes to fly fishing for fall kings and silvers.
It takes a bit to find them, a bit to figure them out, but if you take your time they will come and often bite really well.
In the right spot, at the right time, silvers gulp drys better than anything. It can be an awesome take. Wether you are fishing for summer steelhead, winter steelhead, silvers or kings, if you can find them relaxed in less that 4 feet of water spend some time fishing a skater.
When they are in the mood it can really crush them.
Jim Kerr
Rain coast guides