OK, I’m back
crashed my hard drive and had to get a new computer so, haven’t posted for a bit.
Anyway, yes, HISTORICALLY low water. Unless there is a big shift in the weather we will be completly out of water before fall.
That said, as always, there are a few silver linings.
Aside from the last few spring chinook and the first few coho, some sockeye and a few steelhead have been showing up. The low water has also made for some nice trout fishing.
As many may know, the old Hoh Hum fly shop, home of Anadromy flies, closed down this spring.
I was very sorry to see them go, they ran a nice shop and tied awesome flies. I imagine they are still selling flies on line, and I hope to see them back out guiding this winter.
The old shop has been moved down the street and….repurposed, sort of…..
Come on out and book a trout day, we will be running some half day specials.
Jim Kerr,
Rain Coast Guides