Maybe a deal on Saturday

Saturday may bring water low enough for swinging, but maybe not.  It will however be low enough to work a little gear fishing for spring Chinook in, and I am having urges to bust out the grocery getters.  If you are interested drop me a line, I will make you a sweet deal.

Ryan with a nice buck

Posted in Guided Fishing Deals and Specials | Tagged | 16 Comments

16 Responses to Maybe a deal on Saturday

  1. Ryan says:

    How bout a deal for springer fishin Wednesday?

    • raincoastguides says:

      O.K.< lets talk

      • Ryan says:

        River looked pretty punched this afternoon. I’ll check my schedule and shoot you an email about a trip later this month. That is if you aren’t too busy with guys trying to get free trips out of ya

        • raincoastguides says:

          First off, the river is PERFECT at this level for fishing gear to springers, second, thanks for trying, third, I am determined to get the 8th,9th,10th and 12th booked for gear trips so keep me in mind.

  2. Lance Irven says:

    4th day no post??? Or is it tomorrow. Free trip. Ha ha. Nice release shot posted before. Seeing that pic never gets old.

    • raincoastguides says:

      Well Lance, I thought about it before I left to go fishing this morning and said to myself, 4 days, it will still be day when I get home, I’ll do it then. Turns out everyone in the world disagrees so how about you and me set something up for this spring or summer?

  3. Dan G says:

    Hey, its been 4 days, no post, you owe me a trip. Your last post was April 26th at 2:12pm. It is now April 30th at 2:13pm. Dude, I hope this is real.

  4. Dan G says:

    Hey, its been 4 days, no post, you owe me a trip. Your last post was April 26th at 2:12pm. It is now April 30th at 2:13pm. Ah shit. On your site is still says 2:12. So here it is again.

  5. Dan G says:

    Hey, its been 4 days, no post, you owe me a trip. 2:13 Yet?

  6. kyle loveless says:

    Did i win? ? Did i win? Its been for full days!

    • kyle loveless says:

      Four even… if a full day is a 24god hour period. Take me fishin jim!

    • raincoastguides says:

      I think Lance was the first post in, the way it works is these comments don’t post until I get home to check them out, because we get about 14 million spam posts.

  7. kyle loveless says:

    did i win? its been 4 full days.

  8. Dan G says:

    Ah man, technically Lance’s post was at 9:32am, which by my calculations was only 91 hours and 20 minutes, not 4 full days…. My post, 96 hours and 1 minute. Can I at least have a free bumper sticker?
    🙂 Dan

    • raincoastguides says:

      Understand there was some confusion on this, so I will write up a clarification, as for a free bumper sticker Yes! Send me 4 dollars and your address and I will send you a free RAINCOASTGUIDES.COM tm bumper sticker.

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