Low Water but good fishing
The water is really low and clear and the weather is bright
and beautiful and we still seem to manage to land a couple of nice steelhead a
day. Fish are moving cautiously
into the lower ends of all the rivers and not much farther. Towards the end of last week and
through the weekend it seemed like about fifty fifty mix of hatchery versus
native fish but I think we weeded the last batch of hatchery fish out now and
its mostly native steelhead in the 9 to 14 pound class. The pressure is mostly on the lower
Hoh, but that may or may not be where most of the fish are, enough said.
Aaron with a late chrome hatchery steelhead
I am happy to keep fishing low water for a few less fish as
long as it means no crowds and nice weather, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a
little rain and some real monster steelhead around.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guide Service