Fun Days
Well, Its been fine. I have fished with lots of fun people this week. We hooked a bunch of nice bright steelhead. Some big, some medium all chrome bright. We found fish up and down the Sol Duc AND Hoh. If I had made it to the Bogachiel I am sure it would have fished fine. The weekends have been crowded, but the week days have been quite and lazy.
Check out how thick the wrist of this fishes tail is, total chunker.
I have days open here and there through out the rest of February that I would love to fill. Give me a call if you want to give it a try.
Camo Synder buck
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Posted in Winter Steelhead Fly Fishing Report
1 Comment
That top buck added new meaning to the term “tailing a fish.”