Did you ever wonder?
I have been told by smart fish Bio’s that our Olympic Penninsula steelhead go way the hell out in the Ocean and then come pretty much straight back. It is believed that some/ many go all the way to the coast of Japan. I have also been told that although this is the best available science, we have very few data points to support this theory.
What I wonder is why, if they are way the hell out in the ocean, do so many come back with healed over seal and sea lion wounds? If they are way off shore, where are the sea lions getting at them? I wonder that. Do you ever wonder that?
Why do you think that is?
And another thing I wonder, why does it seem like so many more North coast winter steelhead have seal and sea lion wounds compared Skagit fish?
Those Skagit fish would appear to be swimming the gauntlet compared to the fish here. Why do ours seem to have worse luck with sea lions?
Before you get the wrong idea, I DO NOT THINK that seals or sea lions are a significant problem for north coast fish. I think they have plenty of bigger worries. I just wonder where they are going to get all these scars.
And to be clear, most of these wounds seem to be mostly healed over, like they are many weeks, or months old when the fish enter the river.
It could indicate that they are traveling inshore somewhere during there migration. Maybe some years more than others?
Who knows? If you want to guess leave it in the comments.
AND! While you are commenting, maybe you could list your top three reasons for wanting to come catch winter hatchery fish this season.
Like, cause they fight great? Cause I like to eat them? Cause its just fun to be outside in the winter on the river? Cause it just feels like part of an old school North West tradition to go out and catch a winter steelhead and take it home to smoke for Christmas?
Pick one of these reason, or any one of your own, and email me at [email protected] if you want to book a late November or December date.
Jim Kerr
Rain Coast Guides
Forks Wa
I want THIS!!!
Where have you been all my life?
porpoises … no one speaks of the one hundred billion reported porpoise attacks on steelhead, and children, every year!?!
Why do I want to fish for winter hatchery steelhead?
1. Carrying on family tradition keeps me grounded.
I also want to be the best fisher folk to come
from my gene pool!
2. It’s the challenge that I have I chosen!
It’s hard! it’s not something that I was just
naturally good at and I need time on the water
to learn… plain and simple!
3. Spending time outdoors, seeing nature, finding
fish, finding solitude are all fun on foot by
myself… but, throw me in a boat with Jim and a
buddy and that experience is amplified several
times over!
Why do I want to fish for winter steelhead with Jim?
Every time I have been out on the boat with Jim I
have honestly seen more PNW outdoors, wildlife,
seen more fish, caught more fish and had more
fun in a couple of hours on the river than I can in a
couple trips on my own (this has been proven!).
When you break it down, It is simply more cost
effective fun and if my time is important, this is
how I would prefer to spend it!
Why? Because they run the government, thats why.